IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service and the exam is considered to one of the toughest competitive exams of India. This exam is conducted for the recruitment of the officers for the Indian Administrative service all over India. Every year many candidates appear for this exam but very few of them can crack this exam. For the preparation of this exam, many people go for the best online IAS coaching centers. There they will get full guidance about the procedure to apply for the exam, the eligibility criteria, and the syllabus. These are some of the very important things related to the IAS exam. Apart from this what matters a lot is your hard work. Coaching will make things a little easy but you need to put your efforts as well if you want to crack this exam. With the help of the right guidance, if the efforts are put in the right way, you can easily crack this tough exam.
Here are some important things related to this exam:
- IAS exam dates postponed: The exam of IAS has been postponed due to the outbreak of coronavirus in the country. the date has been postponed to 31st may, 2020 but the exam will only be conducted if the situation in the country becomes still.
- The number of vacancies: Officially it is announced that there are around 896 seats vacant out of which around 40 seats are reserved for disabled people. This data is based on the previous records so you can check the new list on official sites.
- Application form: The last date to apply for the exam was march 3, 2020. The candidate can apply for this exam by going on the official site given by the government. With just a few clicks, you can get yourself registered for the exam. And along with it, you need to pay the registration fee that may according to the category of the person.
- Eligibility: The person who fulfills all these conditions can appear for this exam. Let’s have a look at them.
- The candidate must be an Indian.
- The candidate who is applying for this exam should be in the final year or have completed his bachelor’s degree in any of the subject from the recognized university.
- The lower limit of the age for appearing for this exam is 21 years and upper age is 32 years.
- The number of attempts to be given by a person varies with the category he belongs to.
- Preparation of exam: It is better to go for an early advantage by preparing for this exam right from the starting college so that you can have a maximum number of attempts to appear for the exam. The person can go for either online class or offline classes. With the increase in technology, many institutes have made their sites where the person can take coaching. So it is highly recommended for the person to go for the best site for ias preparation. As they will provide you with the latest study material required for preparation and even tell the tips and tricks to be used in the exam.
These are some of the very important things related to the IAS exam. Apart from this what matters a lot is your hard work. Coaching will make things a little easy but you need to put your efforts as well if you want to crack this exam. With the help of the right guidance, if the efforts are put in the right way, you can easily crack this tough exam.